5 star :: Paleo vegan easy yummy! Kids can help make them.

plus Nice Cream Cake
Soft Serve 5 bananas Blackberries / Raspberries
Chocolate Shell 1 cup coconut oil (melt) 1 cup cocoa powder 3 tablespoons maple/agave/honey 1/4 tsp stevia powder for sweeter Pinch of sea salt
Macaroon Crust 3 cups coconut flakes 1 cup cocoa powder 3/4 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt
Ice Cream Sundae Ice Cream Chocolate Shell Toppings Bon Bons Ice Cream Chocolate Shell
Ice Cream Cake Macaroon Crust Ice Cream
Soft Serve
Peel bananas.
Cut into chunks.
Blend in a food processor.
For different flavors, add berries and blend again.
Chocolate Shell Combine ingredients for chocolate shell.
Macaroon Crust Combine all ingredients for macaroon crust.
Ice Cream Sundae Pour chocolate shell over ice cream. Add your favorite toppings.
Bon Bons Freeze ice cream. Scoop into balls. Dip into chocolate. Add back to freezer.
Ice Cream Cake Press macaroon crust into spring-form pan. Pour in ice cream. Freeze.
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