5 star :: Paleo(ish) Rice Pudding - based on My Nana’s recipe!
(add extra coconut cream to the batter to make it rich)

6 eggs 1/2 cup local raw honey ( we love Woodys! ) 2 cups cooked rice (I love sprouted brown Rice) 2 cups almond or macadamia milk 2 tablespoons coconut milk powder or MCT powder 1 teaspoon gelatin 1 teaspoon stevia powder 1/2 teaspoon monk fruit powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder Sea salt
Whisk ingredients. Pour in 13x9 pan. Speed convection at 350 for 30-35 min. With water in pan beneath. Eat cool or warm with whipped coconut cream.
Amazing texture and healthy for you.