4 star :: tasty as is or with ice cream. SAD eaters love it too.

1 c coconut oil 1/2 c coconut sugar 3/4 c monk fruit blend or 1 tsp pure monk fruit 10 drops stevia (or up coconut sugar 1/2 c) 2 t vanilla or almond extract 3 eggs 3/4 c almond milk 1 c flax flour 1 c almond flour 1/2 c sorghum flour 1/2 c vanilla protein powder 1 1/2 t Baking soda 1 1/2 t Xanthan gum 1 t salt 3 cups sliced apples
Combine wet ingredient. Add dry. Dump in cake pan and bake for 30 min (speed conv) or 40 min (regular). 350°
Best when served after it has rested. Do not cover leftovers. Put a paper towel over it.