5 star :: paleo and easy dessert if you plan ahead

Great creamy flavor, crust was excellent. Easily adapted for different flavors. Rich!
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup flax flour
1 T coconut manna
1/4 tsp stevia powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 date
Use food processor. Press into mold.
3 T cashew milk (water)
1/2 tsp unflavored gelatin
Bloom gelatin in the milk for 5 min. Slow boil for 5 minutes whisking.
Food Process then add gelatin:
1 1/2 c raw soaked cashews
2 Tb coconut manna
1/2 tsp stevia pure
1/2 tsp monk fruit pure
1 T fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
1 T inulin (chicory root)
1 T
Mix one of the following: lemon zest (lemon flavor), almond extract, coconut extract (shredded coconut), or cacao nibs to customize.
Makes 1, 8" cheesecake or 6x8 pan, or 4 small mini 4" cheesecakes. Chill 4 hrs or even better overnight.
Top with raspberries, toasted coconut, slivered almonds, chocolate ganache.