4 star :: a lot of work. tasty. paleo. keto. vegan. whole30

Trim and prepare the fresh artichokes. Feel free to watch my video here for how to trim artichokes, if you’d like a better visual. But in general, you’ll want to:
Cut off the bottom of the stem and then top 1-inch of the top of the artichoke
Pluck off and discard any of the lowest leaves near the stem
Trim off the pointy tops of the artichoke leaves (if they’re pokey)
Slice the artichokes in half
Use a spoon to hollow out the “choke” in the middle of each artichoke half (see above)
Rub the entire artichoke half on all sides with a lemon wedge (to help prevent browning)
Brush the artichokes with olive oil (or butter). Then place them cut-side-up in a baking dish, or on a baking sheet.
Fill the artichoke cavities with garlic and herbs. We recommend packing these as full as possible for maximum flavor. Then season with salt and pepper.
Flip the artichokes over. Then brush again with olive oil, season once more with salt and pepper. And…
Roast! First, uncovered for about 10 minutes, so that the edges can get browned and crispy. Then, remove the pan and cover loosely with foil, and let the artichokes continue to cook until they are tender. You will know that they are ready to go when the leaves pull off easily, and a knife can be smoothly inserted in the base of the stem. Cooking time will totally depend upon the size of your artichokes.
Drizzle with lemon juice. Once you pull the artichokes out of the oven, discard the herbs (or stir them into your dipping sauce for extra flavor). Give the artichokes one more squeeze of lemon juice, for good measure. And dig in!