4 star : creamy and delicious taste of the Medditeranean

1 large eggplant (1.5 lb)
2 garlic cloves, finely minced (use a garlic press)
1 large yellow bell pepper
2 Tb olive oil
4 tablespoons tahini paste
1 tablespoon lemon juice (I added 4!)
1/4 c water* (less if you like the dip more chunky)
1 teaspoon salt*
*swap salt and water out for olive brine to make it even better!
Roast diced eggplant and pepper, olive oil, salt and garlic in oven for 25 min at 350.
Purée cooled veggies in processor with tahini, lemon juice and 1/4 c water.
Serve with grilled meat, pita, coconut tortilla chips or sliced raw veggies.
Based on: https://www.feastingathome.com/authentic-baba-ganoush.../