5 star :: Tastes like white chocolate...it is. Paleo and Keto Version.

1/2 cup cacao butter 1/2 cup coconut / almond manna 5 tablespoons powdered chicory root 1/2 tsp monk fruit 1/2 tsp stevia powder 1 cup water 1 Tb gelatin 3 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 teaspoons apple cider vinegar Dash of salt
1 cup coconut butter
1/2 stick grass-fed butter
5 tablespoons powdered sunflower lecithin (stored in the fridge), or more for a thicker texture
1/4 cup birch xylitol, or more to taste
4 cups of hot water (not boiling)
3 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
Dash of salt
In a blender, mix half the water with all the coconut and butter until well blended.
Add remaining ingredients.
Blend thoroughly until vanilla sauce takes on an ultra-creamy texture.
Taste the sauce and add more vanilla or xylitol if desired.
Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Sauce will be runny the first day but harden overnight. Reblend again after chilling, if desired, if you find any lumps.
Recipe notes: By playing with the amount of water you use, the next morning you can get consistencies as stiff as cream cheese or sour cream all the way to whipped-cream-like. You can skip the vinegar but real milk has a very slight sour note, so if you skip the vinegar, you have less of a milk flavor and more of a coconut flavor.
Serves: 22
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